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FAC Number: 2024-07
Effective Date: 09/30/2024

31.205-34 Recruitment costs.

31.205-34 Recruitment costs.

(a) Subject to paragraph (b) of this subsection, the following costs are allowable:

(1) Costs of help-wanted advertising.

(2) Costs of operating an employment office needed to secure and maintain an adequate labor force.

(3) Costs of operating an aptitude and educational testing program.

(4) Travel costs of employees engaged in recruiting personnel.

(5) Travel costs of applicants for interviews.

(6) Costs for employment agencies, not in excess of standard commercial rates.

(b) Help-wanted advertising costs are unallowable if the advertising-

(1) Does not describe specific positions or classes of positions; or

(2) Includes material that is not relevant for recruitment purposes, such as extensive illustrations or descriptions of the company’s products or capabilities.

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