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FAC Number: 2024-07
Effective Date: 09/30/2024

53.213 Simplified acquisition procedures (SF’s 18, 30, 44, 1165, 1449, and OF’s 336, 347, and 348).

53.213 Simplified acquisition procedures (SF’s 18, 30, 44, 1165, 1449, and OF’s 336, 347, and 348).

The following forms are prescribed as stated in this section for use in simplified acquisition procedures, orders under existing contracts or agreements, and orders from required sources of supplies and services:

(a) SF 18 (Rev.6/95), Request for Quotations, or SF 1449 (Rev. Nov 2021), Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Products and Commercial Services. SF 18 is prescribed for use in obtaining price, cost, delivery, and related information from suppliers as specified in 13.307(b). SF 1449, as prescribed in 53.212, or other agency forms/automated formats, may also be used to obtain price, cost, delivery, and related information from suppliers as specified in 13.307(b).

(b) SF 30 (Rev.11/2016), Amendment of Solicitation/ Modification of Contract. SF 30, prescribed in 53.243, may be used for modifying purchase orders, as specified in 13.307(c)(3).

(c) SF 44 (Rev.10/83), Purchase Order Invoice Voucher. SF 44 is prescribed for use in simplified acquisition procedures, as specified in 13.306.

(d) SF 1165 (6/83Ed.), Receipt for Cash-Subvoucher. SF 1165 (GAO) may be used for imprest fund purchases, as specified in 13.307(e).

(e) OF 336 (4/86Ed.), Continuation Sheet. OF 336, prescribed in 53.214(h), may be used as a continuation sheet in solicitations, as specified in 13.307(c)(1).

(f) SF 1449 (Rev. Nov 2021) Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Products and Commercial Services prescribed in 53.212, OF 347 (Rev.2/2012), Order for Supplies or Services, and OF 348 (Rev.4/06), Order for Supplies or Services-Schedule Continuation. SF 1449, OF’s 347 and 348 (or approved agency forms/automated formats) may be used as follows:

(1) To accomplish acquisitions under simplified acquisition procedures, as specified in 13.307.

(2) To establish blanket purchase agreements (BPA’s), as specified in 13.303-2, and to make purchases under BPA’s, as specified in 13.303-5.

(3) To issue orders under basic ordering agreements, as specified in 16.703(d)(2)(i).

(4) As otherwise specified in this chapter (e.g., see 5.503(a)(2), 8.406-1, 36.701(b), and 51.102(e)(3)(ii)).

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